The Aviation and Aerospace Archives Initiative

The Aviation and Aerospace Archives Initiative


Survey and guide to the Archives of UK Aircraft Manufacturing, 2nd edition 2022

The Gloster Javelin assembly line at Gloster Aircraft Co’s Moreton Valence factory, near Gloucester, 1960.  © Jet Age Museum / Russell Adams Collection
The Gloster Javelin assembly line at Gloster Aircraft Co’s Moreton Valence factory, near Gloucester, 1960. © Jet Age Museum / Russell Adams Collection

The aim of this guide is to signpost relevant archive collections to anyone wishing to learn more about the history of the UK’s aircraft manufacturing industry.

The survey and guide covers UK-based businesses for which archives survive that have at some point manufactured powered heavier-than-air (fixed-wing and rotary-wing) and lighter-than-air (balloons and airships) aircraft that were capable of carrying people. The guide also covers trade and professional bodies, past and present, which represented the interests of aircraft manufacturers and their employees or which supported aeronautical research.  It is online here

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